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MembershipThe East India Club, 16 St. James's Square, London SW1Y 4LH / 11am-1pm
The Annual General Meeting for the year ending 30 June 2024 will be held at the East India Club. The AGM will start at 11.00 am (coffee from 10.30 am).
Talks will follow the business of the day and will include Dr Anne Stutchbury, Independent Researcher/Consultant, and Dr Alice Strickland curator for the National Trust on 'Furnishing Standen’s interior in the 1970s’.
Amreet Kular, Objects Conservator at the V&A, will discuss the conservation treatment of a spinning wheel for the opening of YV&A in July 2023. This talk will examine the importance of the spinning wheel, or ‘charkha’, in Indian and Pakistani culture. The conservation treatment included cleaning the organic surfaces and decorative metal elements, as well as extensive consolidation of the flaking paint.
Further details in the November Newsletter and to come on the Website.
Admission to the AGM is free for members but all members wishing to attend should notify the Events Secretary at least 7 days in advance. Tickets for a sandwich lunch with a glass of wine at the price of £24 per head should be booked with the Events Secretary at least 7 days in advance. We plan to record the talks for those who cannot attend in person.
A wooden spinning wheel inlaid with shell decoration and lacquered, Shahpur District (probably Bhera), c. 1880
Copyright Victoria and Albert Museum, London